10.00am : Departure of Zeebrugge (Home port) |
08 january
09.30am : Arrival in Portland (United Kingdom).
Training CHEMICAL WARFARE. Briefing and theoretical course, by Royal Navy, for Boarding Team.
10 january |
17.00pm : Departure of Portland. |
13 january |
Crossing of the Strait of Gibraltar |
17 january
. |
Beginning of the Operation Desert Storm.
The aviation of the coalition forces begins the bombardment of Iraq and Koweït. |
18 january |
15.30pm : Arrival in Port Said (Egypt). |
19 january
The BNS Wielingen F910 relieve the Belgian Navy frigate BNS Wandelaar F912 in Port Said (Egypt). |
00.30am : Departure of Port Said and Suez Canal transit. |
21 january |
Transit in Red Sea, direction Gulf of Aden. |
23 january
00.00am : The BNS Wielingen F910 is now under operational control of the Western European Union.
On Bab el Mandeb patrol area, exercises with the French frigate D615 Jean-Bart and the corvette F748 Protet. |
Western European Union briefing (WEU briefing) aboard the French corvette F748 Protet. |
26 january |
Visit on board of COMOPSNAV (Chief of Naval Operations), KTZ Herteleer. |
On Bab el Mandeb patrol area, loading of a severely wounded person, of the Egyptian merchant vessel |
THEBES and "en route" for Djibouti. |
30 january
. |
07.00am : Along the coast of Djibouti, evacuation of severely wounded person on board a fast patrol boat of
the French navy. Then return on zone Bab el Mandeb. |
10.00am : Arrival in Djibouti |
06 february
. |
04.00am : Departure of Djibouti for embargo operation - Artimon Sud
Replenishment at sea (RAS/mail) with the French corvette F792 Premier maître L'Her. |
07 february |
Afternoon, exercises of anti-aircraft defence with French Mirages . |
Interception and boarding - merchant ship ADRIANE (Bahamas). |
09 february |
Replenishment at sea (RAS/fuel) with the American replenishment oiler USS Kalamazoo AOR-6. |
Rescue of 25 shipwrecked men of Turkish merchant ship EREGLI which runs, in |
, |
following a collision with tanker MENDANA SPIRIT (Bahamas). |
12 february
. |
Various exercises with the French frigate D630 Duchayla.
12.15pm : Interception and boarding - merchant ship "Concord Furano" (Panama). |
13 february |
500th ship controlled by the wielingen for the embargo against Iraq. |
14 february |
Transit in Arabian Sea, direction Sultanate of Oman. |
10:45am : Moored in the port of Matrah (Sultanate of Oman). |
22 february |
10.00am : Departure of Matrah, transit in the Strait of Ormouz, direction Persian Gulf. |
23 february |
16.00pm : Rendezvous with the French corvette F726 Commandant Bory, WEU-meeting.
24 february
. |
Operation Desert Storm.
Beginning of the terrestrial offensive, the troops of the coalition enter in the Koweït and in Iraq. |
25 february |
Along the coast of Iran (Jazireh-Ye-Lavan island), we leave our patrol area to go up in the north of Qatar. |
28 february
Vertical Replenishment (VERTREP) at sea near the Belgian Command and Logistic Support ship Zinnia A961. |
01 march
Operation Desert Storm : Cease fire.
13.00pm : Replenishment at sea (RAS/fuel) with the Australian fleet oiler HMAS Westralia AO195 |
03 march |
12.00pm : Replenishment at sea (RAS/water) with the American fleet oiler USNS Hassayampa T-AO-145. |
04 march |
Change of patrol area, we relieve the Italian destroyer D551 Audace. |
06 march |
Replenishment at sea (RAS/material) with the French corvette F726 Commandant Bory. |
10.00am : Arrival in Dubai (United Arab Emirate). |
12 march
. |
10.00am : We leave Dubai.
Afternoon, embargo patrol near the Strait of Ormuz. |
15 march |
15.30pm : WEU-meeting (Western European Union) aboard the French frigate D646 Latouche-Tréville. |
16 march
. |
06.30am : Along of Dubai.
07.45am : Replenishment at sea (RAS/mail) with a civil motorboat coming from Dubai.
En route for a new patrol area in the Gulf of Oman. |
18 march
. |
13.00pm : We are relieved on area by the French corvette F728 Doudart de Lagrée.
Then transit in the strait of Ormuz.
19 march
. |
09.45am : In the North-East of Qatar, WEU-meeting aboard the Italian destroyer D551 Audace.
19.00pm : Replenishment at sea (RAS/fuel/water) with the Dutch replenishment ship HMNLS Zuiderkruis A832.
23.00pm : En route towards a new patrol area in box C1 and box C2. |
21 march |
Replenishment at sea (RAS/material) with the French frigate D646 Latouche-Tréville. |
22 march
. |
13.00pm : Rendezvous with the Belgian minehunter M918 Dianthus.
16.00pm : On the way for new patrol area, box C5 and box C6, in the North-East of Barhein. |
24 march
. |
07.45am : Reception of a message from a merchant ship announcing a drifting contact mine in the area. Research in a zone of 5 by 3 nautical miles.
The announced mine is a black garbage bag ! |
25 march |
09.40am : At anchor in the port of Mina Sulman (Bahreïn) for MIF (Multinational Maritime Interception Force)
meeting aboard the American command ship, USS Blue Ridge LCC-19.
17.20pm : Anchor high and clear. En route for embargo patrol in area, box C3.
26 march |
09.00am : Replenishment at sea (RAS/fuel) with the Italian small fleet oiler A5329 Vesuvio. |
28 march |
778th ship controlled by the wielingen for the embargo against Iraq. |
10.00am : Arrival In Abu Dhabi (United Arab Emirate). |
03 april
. |
10.00am : We leave Abu Dhabi.
En route towards a new patrol area, box B1. |
04 april
. |
16.00pm : Replenishment at sea (RAS/fuel) with the British fleet oiler RFA Bayleaf A109.
23.45pm : Rendezvous with the Belgian Command and Logistic Support ship BNS Zinnia A961 |
05 april
. |
09.30am : WEU + MIF meeting aboard the British frigate HMS Brave F94.
18.00pm : En route towards a new patrol area, box C4. |
06 avril
. |
Exercises with the British frigates HMS Brave F94 and HMS Brilliant F90 and the Italian destroyer D551 Audace.
Replenishment at sea (RAS/people) with the Italian destroyer D551 Audace.
07 april |
Interception and boarding - merchant ship "UNITY". |
08 april |
14.00pm : Replenishment at sea (RAS/fuel) with the Italian small fleet oiler A5329 Vesuvio. |
10 april |
New patrol area, box C1 et box C2. |
11 april
. |
Exercises with the Spanish frigate F82 Victoria and the French frigate D646 Latouche-Tréville.
Embargo patrol in area, box C3 et box C5. |
12 april |
07.45am : Replenishment at sea (RAS/water) with the Australian fleet oiler HMAS Westralia AO195 |
13 april |
We leave our patrol area, box C3 and box C5, and "En route" for the Gulf of Oman. |
14 april
. |
03.00am : In the north of the Strait of Ormuz.
05.30am : On patrol area, box A1. |
16 april
. |
05.00am - 11.00h : Exercices (PASSEX) with the British frigate HMS Brave F94.
11.30am : En route towards the Persian Gulf.
15.40pm : Replenishment at sea (RAS/mail - 16 postal bags
) with A5329 Vesuvio.
17.30pm : Replenishment at sea (RAS/fuel) with the Italian small fleet oiler A5329 Vesuvio. |
19 april
. |
09.00am : Rendezvous with the British frigates HMS Brave F94.
WEU-meeting (Western European Union) aboard the French command and supply ship A630 Marne. |
21 april
. |
05.30am : We leave our patrol area, box C7, and "En route" for Bahrein.
11.00am : At anchor. Preparation of the ship for visit of the National Defense Minister. |
08.00am : Arrival in Mina Sulman (Bahrain). |
14.00pm : Visit aboard of our National Defense Minister, Mr Guy COEME.
26 april
. |
10.00am : We leave Mina Sulman.
En route towards a new patrol area, box D2. |
27 april
. |
10.00am : In the area, box C6, in company of British destroyer HMS Exeter D89, replenishment at sea (RAS/fuel) with the Australian fleet oiler HMAS Westralia AO195
14.00pm : Return on area, box D2. |
29 april
. |
"En route" for patrol area, box D3.
The Western end of the D3 box is at 5 nautical miles of the minefields and at 30 nautical miles of the coasts of Kuwait. Here the visibility is 1,5 nautical miles !
30 april
. |
06.30am : Replenishment at sea (RAS/material) with the Belgian minehunter M918 Dianthus.
Evening in company of the American nuclear powered cruiser, USS Texas CGN-39.
01 may
. |
11.30am : CROSSPOOL, exchange of 3 officers between Wielingen and Texas
Various exercises with a new come, the Italian frigate F570 Maestrale.
Evening in patrol area, box C6. |
02 may
CROSSPOOL (RAS/personnel) + Various exercises with the American frigate USS Rentz FFG46. |
03 may
Exercices with the American frigate USS Rentz FFG46. |
15.00pm : On way for join the |
19.00pm - 00.00h : "Plane Guard Station" for American nuclear powered aircraft carrier USS Nimitz CVN-68. |
04 may |
13.00h - 00.30am : "Plane Guard Station" for American nuclear powered aircraft carrier USS Nimitz CVN-68.
05 may
11.30am : Replenishment at sea (RAS/fuel )with the American fast combat support ship USS Camden AOE2. |
06 may
. |
08.30AM- 12.00pm : Exercices with the British frigate HMS Brave F94.
16.15pm : RAS/fuel and CROSSPOOL (4 men) with the Australian fleet oiler HMAS Westralia AO195
18.30pm : Replenishment at sea (RAS/mail) with the French frigate D642 Montcalm.
21.00pm - 23.59pm : Exercises with the frigates Maestrale, Montcalm, Rentz and with the cruiser Texas . |
07 may
. |
09.00am : Western European Union meeting (WEU meeting) aboard the Wielingen.
14.00pm : Multinational Maritime Interception Force meeting (MIF meeting) aboard the American command ship USS La Salle AGF-3. |
08 may |
10.00am : Arrival in |
(United Arab Emirate). |
Visit of COMOPSNAV (Chief of Naval Operations) aboard Wielingen.
The crew of F910 visit the American nuclear powered aircraft carrier USS Nimitz CVN-68. |
11 may |
10.00am : We leave Dubai and transit, direction Djibouti. |
16 may |
20 may |
10.00am : We leave Djibouti and transit, direction north Red Sea.
21 may
. |
05.30am - 16.00pm : In company of 2 American ships and a plane P3C ORION, seek without success of a man overboard, crew member of the Dutch merchant ship CARINA-SMITH. |
18.00pm : Arrival on our new embargo patrol area : Strait of Tiran and Golfe of Aqaba. |
The other ships of the coalition in operation on the area are : the destroyer USS Caron DD970 - the Spanish |
frigate F74 Asturias - the French frigate D633 Duperré - the Greek frigate F450 Elli - the frigate USS Vreeland |
FF1068 and the French frigate D646 Latouche-Tréville. |
24 may
. |
Replenishment at sea (RAS/boat) with the American destroyer USS Caron DD970.
14.30pm : Interception and boarding - Egyptian merchant ship AL AMIRA.
17.00pm : Interception and boarding - Greek merchant ship NEPHELE.
25 may |
10.00am : Interception and boarding - Cypriot merchant ship DONGOLA duration 3 hours |
26 may
. |
06.15am : Interception and boarding - Honduran merchant shipISLAM.
18.00pm : Interception and boarding - Cypriot merchant ship ELEANA. |
27 may
. |
07.00am : Interception and boarding - Panamanian merchant ship SUIJIN.
09.00am : Interception and boarding - Cypriot merchant ship TAAL LAKE.
15.00pm : Replenishment at sea (RAS/fuel) with the American fleet oiler USNS John Lenthall T-AO 189.
18.30pm : Interception and boarding - Egyptian ship vessel. |
28 may |
09.00am : Interception and boarding - Panamanian merchant ship. |
29 may
. |
12.30pm - 15.15h : Interception and boarding - Indian merchant ship VISHUA PARIMAL.
19.30pm : Transit for Suez (Egypt) who is to 180 nautical Miles.
30 may |
10.00am : At the anchor in Suez Bay (Egypt). |
31 may
09.15am : Beginning of the |
transit. |
20.30pm : Arrival in Port Said (Egypt). |
08.30am : Excursion in Cairo for crew members. |
00.00am : The BNS Wielingen F910 is now under Belgian operational control. |
10.00am : We leave Port Said, transit in Mediterranean Sea. |
04 june |
Exercises (PASSEX) with the Italian corvettes F551 Minerva and F554 Sfingue . |
06 june |
15.30pm : Rendezvous and exercices (CASEX) with the Portuguese submarine S61 Delfin. |
07 june |
10.00am : Arrival in |
(Spain). |
10 june
. |
10.00am : We leave Malaga.
14.30pm : Crossing of the Strait of Gibraltar. |
13 june |
20.00pm : At anchor, in TORQUAY/Brixham (United Kingdom).
14 june |
23.45pm : En route towards France for exercices of navigation. |
15 june |
16.00pm : Exercises of setting to trunk in Portland Bay (United Kingdom).
16 june
08.30am - 14.30pm : Arrival in Cherbourg (France) for fuel stop .
10.00am : Arrival in Zeebrugge (Home port). |