(7 January - 17 Juni 1991) |
While patrolling the South Bab-EL-Mandeb area, the F910 receives an S.O.S on VHF channel 16.
Collision of Turkish ore tanker "EREGLI" with oil tanker "MENDANA SPIRIT" of the Bahamas. |
The Wielingen --powered by gas turbine-- sails towards the crash location in the Gulf of Aden, along the |
coasts of Yemen. |
Alongside the "Mendana Spirit", which does not need assistance.
It has a prow starboard tear, not too serious. |
The Wielingen sets course toward the "EREGLI". |
The "EREGLI’s” bow is underwater. It is completely disabled and unsteerable.
VHF connection between our Commander and the Turkish Captain. |
Two zodiacs are launched to rescue the shipwrecked men swimming in oiled water.
We embark 20 shipwrecked men, who are directed towards the infirmary and the cafeteria. |
Our Commander begs the last crew members still aboard to abandon ship.
Sad end for the "EREGLI," which has sunk to a depth of 32 meters.
The zodiacs bring back 5 other shipwrecked men. |
Shipwreck statistics : 25 saved lives and 1 missing person, the Captain of the "EREGLI". It was the last |
voyage of his career and --on this occasion-- he had asked his wife to accompany him.
The "EREGLI" has sunk in Yemeni territorial waters (Yemen supports Saddam Hussein) and a fast partrol |
boat, type "OSA II" (Soviet model), of the Yemeni Navy comes to meet us. |
On our way to Djibouti. |
Arrival at Djibouti and disembarkation of the 25 shipwrecked men, who are then looked after by |
the French Navy.
Djibouti departure to return to our South Bab-EL-Mandeb patrol area. |
Photos © wielingen1991.org
Source documents : Cruise log
by Chief petty officer VAN OVERSTRAETEN J-Fr.