36.818 |
Nautical Miles |
: distance
covered (= 68.187 kilometers) |
162 |
Days |
total duration (7 January - 17 June 1991) |
39 |
Days |
: of Transit |
19 |
Days |
: on zone ARTIMON SUD (Strait of Bab-el-Mandeb) |
60 |
Days |
: on zone ARTIMON EST (Persian Gulf and Strait of Hormuz) |
7 |
Days |
: on zone ARTIMON OUEST (Strait of Tiran and Gulf of Aqaba) |
38 |
Days |
of stopovers (11 stopovers) |
1011 |
Challenge |
(= 1011 interrogated merchant ships, by radio, for embargo) |
13 |
Boarding |
: (=
13 visited and excavated merchant ships for embargo) |
25 |
: shipwrecked
men (from Turkish merchant ship which sunk) and evacuated in Djibouti. |
1 |
embarked |
severely wounded person (from Egyptian merchant ship THEBES) and evacuated in Djibouti. |
13 |
Tons |
of various material, received of Navcomzeb (Zeebrugge naval base) |
6.200 |
bed sheets |
427 |
orders of parts |
: "board spares" |
.Oil, water and fuel consumption |
2.300 |
m3 |
: of fuel |
2.860 |
m3 |
of water |
18 |
m3 |
of oil |
.Food and drinks consumption |
16.394 |
kg |
of potatoes |
10.065 |
lit |
of milk and fruit juice |
4.000 |
kg |
of flour |
350 |
kg |
of coffee |
1.100 |
kg |
of butter and margarine |
9.385 |
kg |
of meat and fish |
8.800 |
kg |
: of fresh fruit and vegetables |
2.782 |
kg |
of cheese and charcutery |
240 |
barrels |
: of beer
(50 lit) |
9.600 |
bottles |
of mineral water
(0,50 cl) |
54.120 |
box |
of Coke, Sprite, Fanta,… (33cl) |
3.000 |
bottles |
of mineral water
(1,5 lit) |
45.960 |
box |
: of beer (33cl) |
178 |
kg |
of mail (19 postal bags) towards Belgium |
2.142 |
kg |
of mail (137 postal bags) received from Belgium |
1205 |
consultations |
775 |
diseases |
143 |
light casualties |
9 |
severely wounded
16 |
dentist visits |
: [Muscat : 4] [Zinnia : 4] [Marne : 1] [Nimitz : 2] [Camden : 1] [Djibouti : 3] [Port-Said : 1] |
5 |
infirmary catches |
1501 |
vaccines (total) |
: [Polio : 174] [Tetanos : 212] [Typhus : 513] [
Yellow fever
: 117] [
B : 485] |