Souda Bay, Crete, Greece (Feb. 22, 2006) – The Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt (CVN 71) |
heads to sea following a logistics stop on the Greek island of Crete.
Photo©US NAVY (http://www.navy.mil/management/photodb/photos/060222-N-0780F-001.jpg)
BNS Breydel M906, 3-6-1991, in Málaga (Spain). |
Photo © Javier Bueno Iturbe (http://www.shipspotting.com/uploads/photos/186335.jpg)
Souda Bay, Crete, Greece (Feb. 08, 2006) – Sailors assigned to the guided missile destroyer USS Roosevelt |
(DDG 80) man the rails as the ship arrives in Souda Bay for a routine port visit.
Photo©US NAVY (http://www.navy.mil/management/photodb/photos/060208-N-0780F-011.jpg)
Souda Bay (8 octobre 1987) - Durant l'opération OCTOPUS les deux chasseurs-dragueurs de mines belges, le |
BNS Bovesse (M909) et le BNS Breydel (M906) font escale à Souda Bay en Crète.
Photo © Jean-Francois VAN OVERSTRAETEN
Indian Ocean (Sept. 25, 2005) - Ships assigned to the USS Nimitz Carrier Strike Group and the Indian aircraft |
carrier Viraat (R 22) underway in formation as part of exercise Malabar 2005.
Photo©US NAVY (http://www.navy.mil/management/photodb/photos/050925-N-0413R-001.jpg)
Persian Gulf (Oct. 23, 2005) - An F-14D Tomcat, assigned to the “Blacklions” of Fighter Squadron Two One |
Three (VF-213), conducts a mission over the Persian Gulf.
Photo©US NAVY (http://www.navy.mil/management/photodb/photos/051023-N-5088T-001.jpg)
Tarragona, Spain (August 3, 2002) – The aircraft carrier USS John F. Kennedy (CV 67) pulls in to Spain for a |
short port visit while on her transit home.
Photo©US NAVY (http://www.navy.mil/management/photodb/photos/020803-N-6492H-503.jpg)
Pacific Ocean (Aug. 25, 2005) – The guided missile cruiser USS Chancellorsville (CG 62) comes along side the |
conventionally powered aircraft carrier USS Kitty Hawk (CV 63) to conduct a replenishment at sea.
Photo©US NAVY (http://www.navy.mil/management/photodb/photos/050825-N-0167B-014.jpg)
Pacific Ocean (Dec. 3, 2005) - Aviation Boatswain’s Mates direct an SH-60B Seahawk helicopter onto the flight |
deck of the amphibious assault ship USS Peleliu (LHA 5).
Photo©US NAVY (http://www.navy.mil/management/photodb/photos/051203-N-9866B-247.jpg)
Atlantic Ocean (Nov. 19, 2005) - A port side view of the amphibious assault ship USS Wasp (LHD 1) |
underway during U.S. Marine Corps MV-22B Osprey flight operations.
Photo©US NAVY (http://www.navy.mil/management/photodb/photos/051119-N-3527B-116.jpg)
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